
Hello Everyone!

My name is Isabel Fine and I’m in my second year at the iSchool doing an MI in the LIS stream. I did my B.A. at UofT. I started off with a Major in English and Minors in Near and Middle Eastern Studies and History, but I kept shaving off Minors as I went and ended up doing a Specialist in English. Mostly I love books and reading, so it suited me well.

I work as a Page in the Toronto Public Library system. While I love the public library and what it stands for, overexposure to the public has made me interested in other forms of librarianship. I still don’t know what kind of librarian I want to be when I grow up, but I definitely want to be one.

I took Rare Books and Manuscripts last term and I thought this course would be a nice follow-up. It seems like the history of the book is changes in format or medium accompanied by outcries about the end of civilization. It’s happened before and it’s happening now. I’m excited to learn about how books will fare in the digital world and how this new medium will change the experience of reading.

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